
Amazon AWS web hosting & VentraIP Australia | Akamai/Linode

Amazon AWS web hosting,


VentraIP Australia hosting

WordPress Hosting Platforms:

A Comparison

Preferred Setup
– Amazon Web Services (AWS) Linux 2023 with Nginx
– Best for: Revenue-generating businesses, mission-critical performance, large websites
– Recommended instance: t4g.micro (suitable for individuals, small businesses)

Alternative Options
1. VentraIP cPanel:
– Good for small “Ma & Pa” sites
– Uses LiteSpeed for fast performance
– Free SSL certificates and email

2. Akamai/Linode
– Suitable for small businesses
– Alternative when static IP4 costs are a concern

Key Considerations
– Server Location: Most services in Australia (AWS email via Oregon)
– Email Services: Consider MS Exchange for professional use
– Performance: Nginx or LiteSpeed generally outperform Apache
– Cost: AWS slightly higher due to static IP4 charges, but offers yearly discounts

Technical Insights
– AWS allows for smaller configurations (t4g.nano) with Burst CPU
– VentraIP minimum: 2CPU, 2GB RAM
– Nginx advantages: Easier configuration, efficient resource use

– SSL certificates available (free with some providers, requires setup on AWS)

Multi-domain Support
– Available on LiteSpeed, Apache, and Nginx

Bottom Line
Choice depends on specific needs, budget, and technical requirements. AWS offers comprehensive solutions but requires more management. VentraIP provides user-friendly options for smaller sites.

Advantage for AWSAmazon AWSAussie Hosting
yLeverage enterprise quality services, choice of OS, hardware & software. VPS rather than shared.Shared infrastructure, with no choice of OS, hardware & often software. VPS costs prohibitive. You don't know how old the hardware is - not just disks, but networking. Providers can change the hardware without telling you - sometimes disastrous, sometimes not.
yPreferred for Small Business and Sole TradersSignificant higher cost for recommended Business plans.
yReliable .tar file backups, and full image "snapshots" for immediate recovery.Higher .tar file backup failures on older systems. Should be ok today.
yFaster performance due to initial handshake time.Can be slower server initial response times - these are hardwired, so no improvements possible.
n/aDamage to hard disks - consider as the same for everyoneDamage to hard disks - consider as the same for everyone
yUse of (paid) Static IP4 address is mandatory - good for reputation and speedShared IP address pool - longer time to process data packets, and reputations may be damaged by other bad users of the same address.
Generally not a problem for every day websites.
yTight levels of security with your control.Subject to shared server security failures, your own limited security control. What happens when the provider drops security accidentally during maintenance?
y or n - dependingServers in Australia (except email - in Orgeon)Most provider servers outside Australia. Ventraip is IN Australia, inc. email.
n/aFull email options for external email like MS ExchangeSame
yAbility to add Linux packages, play with new scripts and software. For example, iptables, whois, mutt, IP2 location, etc.Shared systems have no access to many OS commands, & unable to install various Linux packages. Some providers give no SSH access, or have too low a limit on PHP memory configurations. Some will not permit shell_exec to run scripts, or Linux shell scripts. e.g. Ventraip allows you to install the aws command to access S3 buckets with Python 3.8, or to run PHP/Unix commands by changing PHP options, and some providers don't allow.
y - dependingAbility to use mysql commands, create DB and User names, or dedicate DB to another server.No ability to create your own DB names and users.
y - dependingAdministrator management easy - for Linux skilled folks.While SSH and FileZilla can be configured, still a little more awkward to race in and manage what a Unix administrator is used to.
ySudden CPU loads - "burst cpu", and use of disk swap space.A different architecture. Performance should be okay for the level of service sizing. If Amazon uses Apache and a provider uses OpenLiteSpeed, it is likely Amazon will be slower on smaller sizes isntances, but editing WordPress pages is still faster on Amazon.
yUse of free SSL certificates, or paid commercial SSL.Some providers charge enormous SSL prices that outweigh the benefits of their plan pricing. Once paid certificates are deployed there are issues with access to DNS CAA records and that pricing as well.
y or n - dependingAmazon DNS is either its own Route53 or external. Includes CAA, and automatic PTR records you don't have to worry about.Depends on the providers DNS management pricing.
y or n - dependingDomain registration ok.Provider domain name pricing varies from reasonable to outrageous.
n/aAmazon is On-Demand monthly pricing with one discount on the web hosting component. People are used to monthly pricing nowadays. Can be a little annoying at times to have USD exchange rate, plus GST to AUD.Annual pricing.
nNo real free email forwarding software - takes a lot to develop one's own scripts to forward to a single address as an attachment.
A business should not use forwarding anyway.
Email forwarding often provided, usually free.
nHuge learning curves with long-time personal investment across several AWS services. Lots of problem solving. If you can get across it all, there are sales advantages as listed above.Simplified installations.
n/aTotal annual pricing - can be similar to other providers above or below. It is not worth quibbling with $50 difference if the benefits are clear.Pricing varies a lot with providers. Most would still be higher than AWS services, but some are close to their pricing. To keep in mind is that we prefer services in Australia.
nMore maintenance is needed for clients on AWS regarding the operating system. You would not keep the same OS for 7 years, but rebuild the entire system on newer OS and Hardware in that time, rebuilding with the WordPress database and files.Normal WordPress maintenance tasks.
yExtra disk is cheap. You can also link into S3 storage at negligible cost.Extra disk is a significant cost.
yIf CDN is a requirement, Amazon provides at nonimal storage cost with a free SSL certificate.CDN is a significant cost.
nQuite difficult to install and maintain OpenLiteSpeed as an alternative to Apache.Some providers (now most?) use OpenLiteSpeed. Amazon needs Debian OS to install OpenLiteSpeed as its Linux brand (such as Linux 2023) is incompatible. I don't use Ubuntu - (enough said).
yNo WordPress pages take several seconds (or freeze) during editing.There can be frustrating delays when editing in wp-admin mode.
n/aAccounting configurations are for one account owner only, not several clients being billed separately on the same account to their own credit cards. Tags can configure invoicing to different clients on the same account though - more complex configurations.
One client, one account is the usual structure. Wholesale accounts may vary how billing is done.

The NGINX Web Server Overview

Introduction to NGINX
NGINX is a high-performance web server trusted by over 40% of the busiest websites globally. It’s renowned for its efficiency, especially on systems requiring minimal resources.

Simplified NGINX for Small Businesses
While NGINX can be fine-tuned for optimal performance by expert teams, our focus is on using its default settings with minor tweaks, making it accessible for small businesses, tradespeople, and individuals. This approach offers robust performance without the need for deep technical expertise.

Performance and Resource Management
NGINX integrates seamlessly with Amazon Linux, and if your website requires more power, upgrading your CPU and RAM can enhance performance. Compared to alternatives like Apache or LiteSpeed, NGINX generally uses less swap space and delivers faster speeds. However, certain operations, like uploading large volumes of images, can still strain resources and may require manual intervention.

Choosing NGINX Over Apache
For small virtual private servers (VPS) with limited resources, NGINX HTTP/2 is preferred for its speed and efficiency. Unlike Apache, which struggles under HTTP/2 on small systems, NGINX handles web traffic more effectively, making pages load almost instantly.

Experience and Expertise
With extensive experience in Unix systems and a background in IT Solutions Architecture, we’ve worked with various platforms, including Amazon AWS, Linux, Apache, and OpenLiteSpeed. While each system has its strengths, our preference is for AWS Linux due to its reliability and ease of use for smaller projects.

Advantages of AWS Hosting
Hosting on Amazon AWS offers enterprise-level quality at a cost comparable to entry-level business plans from other providers. AWS also provides additional benefits, such as automated backups, low-cost cloud storage, and access to a global Content Delivery Network (CDN) at minimal expense.

Comparing cPanel and AWS
While cPanel hosting offers ease of use with a graphical interface and free email, it comes with disadvantages like shared IP addresses and hardware, which can impact website performance. In contrast, AWS hosting with NGINX offers faster, more consistent performance and the option for a dedicated IP address, which can enhance your website’s reputation over time.

Custom Solutions for Diverse Needs
The landscape of web hosting is diverse, with each provider offering different features and limitations. Our extensive experience allows us to navigate these complexities and provide tailored solutions that meet your specific needs. Whether you choose Amazon AWS or an alternative like Ventraip Australia, we ensure that your website runs smoothly, reliably, and efficiently.

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